Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Substance Addiction is Back!

Hello everyone, and welcome to Substance Addiction ~Reprise~. A couple of years ago, I tried to start my own website but the project became a fruitless endeavor. Substance Addiction was abandoned and forgotten, lost in the expanse of the interwebz. Now I have returned, an older and wiser man, to bring forth a new and improved version, a reprise...What purpose will this blog serve? Well sure, for the most part it will serve to entertain you and give you a nice look at what makes my mind tick...but that's so cliché isn't it? A word of warning, I may perform a little social experiment with some of you here and there. I want to know how the human mind works, not just my own. That is the purpose of this blog. I will see, based on reactions and on feedback, how you ALL tick. This blog isn't about me, it's about all of us. There is something I have to do, a mission if you will...people keep telling me not to worry about my small nation, that I shouldn't worry because I can't do anything about it. Well I say that the only reason any individual can't do anything to fix a situation is because that individual refuses to give the problem the importance it merits. I just think that things in my nation HAVE to change and if no one's going to do anything about it then I will. I'm too young and inexperienced at the moment, but every course of action has to start somewhere. I believe the first thing I have to do is understand how a populace thinks and reacts to different stimuli. The way things are in my little island of Puerto Rico, nothing less than a psychological rewiring is in order. I have a long way to go for that. In any case, disregard my personal motives and simply enjoy and react, We will be entertained, WE will expose our ideologies and convictions to each other, and WE will learn and grow throughout this journey. Now, I declare Substance Addiction ~Reprise~ open.